Thursday, May 23, 2019

Store of DVD movies, posters and books.

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Kallista film offers a variety of products for self-study. You visited a store of textbooks, DVD films, visual aids on sambo and judo. All products are divided into categories.
  • Judo on DVD. Here you will get acquainted with video films about techniques and methods of judo.
  • Sambo on DVD. This category includes video films about the technique and methods of sambo combat.
  • Judo books. This section consists of books and DVDs about judo techniques and techniques published in Japan. The authors of these books and films, the best trainers and teachers in
  • Japan. Demonstrate technique champions of Japan, world champions, Olympic champions in judo.
  • Sambo posters. If you need visual aids to combat sambo or you need to decorate the gym, then this section is for you.
  • Judo posters. Get acquainted with this section more closely. Here you will find answers to the following questions. How many belts are in judo and what techniques do you need to know when taking the belt exam. Posters are sold in several formats. To decorate the gym and a portable option.
  • Products at a discount. Take a look at this section. Here you will see a combination of various goods, collections, which can be bought with a discount of up to 50%.
  • Economy option. This section is necessary for those buyers who are interested in only one movie. Pay attention to this section is divided into Economy version of judo and Economy version of Sambo.
  • Free products. Products in this section will be available for free.
With respect to all buyers and guests of our store. CEO of Kallista Film Pavlov Dmitry Avenirovich.

Technique of a sambist.

Lateral drop throw.

Техника борца самбиста. Бросок боковой переворот.This throw can be used in an attacking and counter attacking manner. It is equally effective, as the action of an attack and as an action on the attack of an opponent. Trick is carried out mainly at the expense of hands. Let's look at the phases of the throw.
Starting position for attack: the attacking wrestler maintains a straight standing position; average distance (from a distance to attack harder); leg position (right or left side); grip the end of the sleeve and the opposite shoulder from the back of the opponent.

Pre-attack actions: These are actions that are aimed at preparing a throw. These include: pulling the hands of an opponent to his back; wide lunge feet to the attacking leg of an opponent; leg grip; pulling the grip towards yourself (shoulder area).
The phase of separation of the opponent from the carpet: This is an important point. Tearing the opponent from the carpet for a further fall over is possible only by straightening the legs and pushing the opponent forward with your belly. Many wrestlers try to execute this phase of the throw with their hands. This is mistake. The belly pushes the captured leg, which is between your legs. If you do not push it out, your opponent will catch it on any of your legs as a defense.
Fall over phase: not for nothing throw is called a lateral drop. With the help of the hands that the wrestler turns. Feet up and head down.
Completion phase of the throw: when the opponent is turned over, the leg is released, and the grip on the shoulder is held. If you let go of the shoulder and leg, the opponent will turn on his stomach. After the attacker's fall, the opponent's hand remains on which it is convenient to make a painful hold or go on hold from the side or across.
This throw we discussed the example of poster №1. You can buy this poster here ...
Now let's see a video of a lateral drop throw performed by M. Martynov.
You can buy two films on sambo fighting where this technique is analyzed in detail.

Самбо России. Михаил Мартынов.Russian Sambo. Mikhail Martynov.

Personal technique of competitions by M. Martynov.
250,00 rub

Уроки борьбы Самбо. Михаил Мартынов.Lessons of Sambo wrestling. Mikhail Martynov.

Actions of sambist fighter. Throws in sambo training. Sambo video.
Throw the "mill".
Inner thigh reaping throw.
Throw "bychok".
Pickup throw with two legs clinch.
Inside undercut throw.
Undercut throw at step pace.
Over the back throw from knees.
Back leg-show throw
Throw with lift by calf
Lateral drop throw
Throw "walking around".
250,00 rub